Peripheral Interventions

Peripheral Interventions

Like the arteries leading to the heart, peripheral arteries that supply blood to the head and neck, kidneys and abdomen and legs can also become blocked. Dr. Lal Daga offers a variety of procedures to reopen these arteries and restore blood flow.

Much like balloon angioplasty is performed to clear blockages leading to the heart, the same technique is used to repair arteries in other areas of the body. A tiny balloon affixed to the end of a catheter is inflated within the artery to open the narrowed area.

A small, mesh-like tube called a stent is sometimes placed in the artery to ensure that it remains open and prevent it from narrowing again. In some cases, the stents are coated with special medications that slowly release into the bloodstream to help prevent re-closure.

The goal of peripheral vascular intervention is to restore the flow of blood to your lower extremities, eliminating pain, numbness or need for amputation. Our specialists typically employ two different methods – angioplasty and atherectomy.

Angioplasty & Stents

Angioplasty is a minimally invasive intervention method that uses a balloon-tipped catheter to dilate your artery. Once inserted, the balloon is inflated at the blockage site to compress the plaque against the wall of the artery, increasing the flow of blood. In order to prevent the artery from becoming blocked again long-term, a small tube called a stent is sometimes put in place.

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